8 Supplements That May Help Diabetes




Updated On Oct 8, 2023


Of the 29 million Americans with diabetes, as many as 31 percent utilize complementary or alternative medicines, such as supplements, to help them manage their condition.

The total sum of money spent on nutritional supplements is astonishing. "I think it's bigger than the pharmacy business, if you add it all up," says Jeffrey Tipton, DO, MPH, vice president and medical director at AppleCare Medical Management in Los Angeles.

So is all that money going to good use? "There are some indications that some supplements may be helpful, but there's nothing definitive," says Julie T. Chen, MD, an internist and founder of Making Healthy EZ, an integrative health clinic in San Jose, California. While you shouldn't use supplements to replace your diabetes medication, research on some of them does suggest that they can help with type 2 diabetes management.

"There are some indications that some supplements may be helpful, but there's nothing definitive," says Julie T. Chen, MD, an internist and founder of Making Healthy EZ, an integrative health clinic in San Jose, California. While you should not rely on supplements to deal with your diabetes, research does suggest they may be able to help manage your type 2 diabetes.

Here's a look at nine dietary supplements that are commonly used by people with type 2 diabetes:

1. Chromium

It is believed that chromium, which is found inmeat, fish, fruits, vegetables, spices, and whole-wheat and rye breads,can help reduce blood sugar levels. Supplements are sold containing this trace mineral as chromium picolinate, chromium chloride, and chromium nicotinate.

"People were excited about chromium about 20 years ago," Dr. Tipton says. Low-dosage chromium appears harmless for most people, but over the long term, it can pose a health risk for people, including problems with the kidneys already a concern for many people with diabetes.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is essential for healthy bones and muscles, heartbeat, blood pressure, and insulin secretion. Individuals with diabetes typically have magnesium levels significantly lower than normal.

"If a blood test shows that magnesium levels are low, a supplement might be helpful," says Susan Weiner, RDN, a certified diabetes educator in Merrick, New York and author of Diabetes: 365 Tips for Living Well.

Bear in mind that taking in too much magnesium may result in diarrhea. Be sure to check with your physician before taking any type of supplement, or taking any magnesium pills. The top food sources of magnesium include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, halibut, tuna, spinach, and oat bran.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These come from foods such as fish, some vegetable oils (canola and soybean), walnuts, and wheat germ. Omega-3 supplements are available as capsules or oils. A review published in October 2015 in the journal Public Health Open Network 1 indicated that omega-3 fatty acids reduced triglycerides but did not seem to impact blood glucose levels or total cholesterol levels.

In addition, the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore notes that omega-3 fatty acids from fish act to raise HDL ("good") cholesterol in people with diabetes, while omega-3s from flaxseed oil may yield the same benefit. In some studies, omega-3 fatty acids also raised LDL ("bad") cholesterol.

Additional research, particularly long-term studies regarding the risk factors for cardiovascular disease with diabetes, is necessary. Fish oil can also interfere with blood-thinning and blood-pressure drugs.

4. Vanadium

Like chromium, vanadium is also a trace mineral. In the 1980s, research first showed it could lower blood sugars. "Vanadium, along with its heavier cousins, molybdenum and tungsten, can mimic insulin," Weiner says. "In research done with animal cells, these minerals have been able to replace insulin." But later research showed it had no effect on blood sugar levels.

5. Glucosamine

No research shows that glucosamine is helpful for people with diabetes, Tipton says. Evidence in its favor is only anecdotal, meaning that some people report that it helps them, Weiner says. "Glucosamine is important for the repair and maintenance of healthy cartilage in joints, but taking it in an oral form may not get it to where it needs to be in an amount that will do any real good," she says.

6. Alpha-Lipoic Acid

The compound lipoic acid, also known as ALA, is a variant of thymine. As an anti-oxidant, antioxidants protect against neutralizing free radicals inside cells.ALA is also present in liver, spinach, broccoli, and potatoes. ALA supplements are used by people who suffer from type 2 diabetes to help their bodies utilize insulin more efficiently. ALA has also proven useful in preventing or treating diabetic neuropathy (a nerve disorder).

A study published in July 2014 in the journal Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome found therapeutic benefits to ALA, but more research is needed, Weiner says. ALA may lower blood levels of iron and may interact with various cancer drugs. In some cases, ALA may lower blood sugar too much, so blood sugars will need to be closely monitored if you use this supplement.

7. Bitter Melon

Despite its name, bitter melon is a vegetable that's also found in supplement form. There is some evidence that botanicals like bitter melon have glucose-lowering properties. Dr. Chen likes bitter melon because it's generally safe for most people. She recommends starting with 900 milligrams and adjusting the dosage if it helps you.

8. Cinnamon

More research is needed, Chen says, but a systematic review of studies published in September 2013 in the journal Annals of Family Medicine suggests cinnamon may improve blood sugar levels in some people. Try adding cinnamon — make sure it's the unsweetened kind — to oatmeal and other foods, or sprinkle it in your coffee.

If you want to use supplements, be sure to talk to your doctor about your choices to ensure that what you're taking is safe and won't interfere with your conventional diabetes therapy.


There is still much research to be done when it comes to treating diabetes. Supplements may be able to help but it is still to early to make conclusive statements.

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